Board of Police Commissioners
Detroit Board of Police Commissioners
Thursday, July 18, 2024
3:00 p.m. — 5:00 p.m. EDT
1301 Third Street South Detroit, MI 48226 (Directions)
Suite 767
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Edited and summarized by the Detroit - MI Documenters Team
Commissioners interviewed three of their top five candidates for board secretary, and discussed complaints from older constituents whose events have been shut down as part of DPD's crackdown on illegal block parties.
Commissioners interviewed three of their top five candidates for board secretary, and discussed complaints from older constituents whose events have been shut down as part of DPD's crackdown on illegal block parties.

@DetDocumenters media partners:
01:57 PM Jul 18, 2024 CDT

(Limit Comments to Two Minutes)

Introductions/Roll Call:
Woods, Smith, Bernard, Banks (excused absence), Burton, Carter (excused absence), Hernandez, Pressley
Agenda approved.

Bliss on behalf of Chief White
drag racing & block parties (have been a big topic)
DRAG RACING Issued 14 traffic citations to Drag Racers, recovered 8 weapons, responded to 79 calls for service
BLOCK PARTY 79 responses
895 people investigated

Moore: With regard to evictions, what is DPD's role?
Bliss: To preserve peace.
Moore: At Palmer park, there were tasers used.
Bliss: Yes. correct. They had a weapon.
Moore: Complaints? Do repeated calls show up as new cases in stats?
Bliss: Unclear. Will clarify.

Internal numbers vs. external numbers
Bliss: Will try to get an answer back by end of session.

Bliss: Yes, I will have that for you.

Bliss: It could take a couple weeks to plan for street closures and permitting.
Pressley: I'm asking because "pre-existing" events might be compromised

A. Interview BOPC Secretary

NYE he had multiple bosses, competing priorities and a new product launch. Had to figure out how to make it work and be efficient.

Question: Civilian oversight of law enforcement? What would you need to do to be the best?
Answer: Learn info to empower others

Thanking him for applying. It's an Executive Director role. It's not just a secretary role. Have you read the city charter as it relates to BOPC?
Answer: Yes. He will be the one who makes sure everyone is on the same page, transparent.

Answer: He wants to engage others, wants to be able to share expertise and give back and show others how he can do the job. He will make others feel valued.

OK, the first applicant was named Mr. Franks. ⭐️

How does your experience prepare you for the role?
A: Started out in financial/budgetary/legal oversight.

A: Uses her calendar.
(My opinion: she lacked specific examples here)

A: Take the conversation offline.

A: yes. understands the role.
Q: What do you know about police oversight?
A: Means decreasing violence, increasing community engagement

Previous Experience: Diverse experience. Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice/Degree in Biz Mgmt, Associates in Paralegal studies and more that I didn't catch. Worked as a consultant for ACLU, Michigan Justice Fund, V.A.C, and others.

Business Acumen: What is the best way to manage multiple stakeholder expectations
A: Find out 1) What is the stakeholder's interest? 2) How to effectively communication with them?


Male Candidate #4: Mr. Zacharias (spelling?)

In the interim, they are back to public comments.

Why wasn't someone there to deescalate the situation? A bailiff shot him, not a police officer.

Discussing that they should not act without allowing Burton to rate the candidates.

Use the ratings from those who interview all 5 candidates.
Ratings don't have to be turned in today.

No Announcements.
New business: YES! They saw my tweet. LOL. They're sharing the feedback I gave. 🤣

Bernard: BOPC has sent official letter responding to request that the 5 tickets be dismissed.

Agency Information
Detroit Board of Police Commissioners
The Board of Police Commissioners has supervisory control and oversight of the Police Department, including plenary authority over citizen complaints and the power to appoint fact finders, subpoena witnesses, administer oaths, take testimony, and require the production of evidence. The Board also appoints a civilian as Director of Police Personnel and approves all promotions made by the Chief. The 11 member board is comprised of 7 elected members from each city council district and 4 members appointed by the Mayor.
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