City Planning Commission
Detroit City Planning Commission
Thursday, Jan. 16, 2025
5:00 p.m. — 10:00 p.m. EST
2 Woodward Ave Detroit 48226 (Directions)
Committee of the Whole Room, 13th Floor
These meetings are long and can run as late as 10 p.m.! Only apply if you are able to attend the entire meeting.
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Jefferson Chalmers residents voiced strong opposition to GLWA's construction of a new sanitary pump station on Freud Street. They said they were unaware of the project, it's unsafe, makes the ground shake and the air stink. GLWA reps denied the odors were from their facilities.
Hello, Detroit–5 PM on 1/16 I am live covering Detroit City Planning Commission meeting for #DETdocumenters & media partners
04:01 PM Jan 16, 2025 CST
You can access remote links for the meeting and pdf files for the agenda and related documents/presentations here 👇
Hmmm…just starting with I thought I did reply with link to City Planning website with remote access information and agenda, but don’t see it so trying again…
Heh-heh…well, it did propagate. This is going to be a rough ride, tonight 😂
They’re doin’ how they do…it is 5:09 and all I’ve got is no respect. And this 👇
Being the perpetually late ADHDer, I always think that late starting meetings are purposeful payback from all the people I have left waiting 😒
Here are the pdf files at website…apparently we get a Freudian take on GLWA
Okey-dokey, 5:18 and meeting starts with roll-call…no quorum present yet. Roberts Rules in effect, so we get recess sans teeter-totters, slides, swings & all the other stuff that makes recess fun.
But in all seriousness, the roads are a mess…
5:25 we have roll-call to reconvene…they have quorum and approve the agenda with no amendments
Approving September 19, 2024 minutes…kinda wonder about the other meetings since then 🤔
Now discussing rezoning request for GLWA project (pump station)…here are images from presentation…
GLWA owns some of the property in proposed zone, but not all of it…also, ‘Freud Street’ is pronounced like ‘Fruit Street’, not the cigar-smoking psychoanalyst
This is the project status report…and they are discussing how the proposed new pump station provides benefits and needs to located and proposed area
I have to say I am feeling somewhat out of the loop as I have done little coverage of GLWA
Giving the broad-picture background of GLWA…history, what a regional system is, etc. Acronym pronounced “glee-wah”…their website is here
You will here about interceptor sewers…this is what they are,and%20keep%20hold%20of%20contaminants.
An underlying motif to this presentation is twofold:
1) system is MASSIVE
2) system is OLD
Starting at 5:47 in transcript they are showing a video…but there is now sound right now…they are trying some things out & finally got it now, but with a weird echo
On a side note, interesting that these water systems are, in one way or another, variants/riffs on the french drain
Here is a cool slide showing pathway of interceptors and how flow moves to/through regional system
This is interesting…yellow ‘cheese wheels’ show collection infrastructure constructed by systems outside GLWA…but GLWA has to handle flow from these systems. The slide just shows eastside area!
Another slide, also eastside, but this time focusing on wet weather flows…
Presenter giving numbers to emphasize volumes of water that needs to be handled is massive…now having given overview, zeroing in on Freud Street…
Slide in previous post shows related pump stations that are often 100 years+…proposed Freud St pump station is designed to allow for needed updates/maintenance to be done on related/connected infrastructure
Now showing the updated flood maps…as you see, area in question is, heh-heh, ‘in the zone’
Discussing possible options…water infiltration is a major issue because of age of systems, pipes, homes, buildings, etc
Options…interesting that he notes civil engineering from 1950s was more capable/confident than now
Alternative 3 not feasible because of cost…Detroit has 40% participation rate
Again, some info on perspective and terms (storm & sanitary different lanes)
Addressing odor concerns and why new proposed pump station will be like Febreze
These show the pump stations in question, and how a flow diversion will be created to allow for system work
He discusses the GLWA community engagement plan…to his credit, he says that they really don’t like doing this 😆😆😉
BUT…to be fair, he clarifies that it is because it is very costly and ultimately is borne by the residents/community
Question about the zoning areas that would be impacted in the request…unclear about dates when current right of way would change & new right of way would go into effect.
Always wonder what Colin Robinson would have to say…
Hey! We finally get to the cost. Don’t worry…low interest loan and grants to the rescue. A figure was given (6.29 in transcript) but I would like to see the numbers, related grants, loans & terms…
Long discussion about how even with the investment in the infrastructure, the GLWA rep says he has looked at 10 years of data and says that system has worked 99.9% of the time…but the 0.1% of the time it fails (2021 rain event) and significant suffering occurs
The project is not paid for just by Detroiters, but all 2.8 million people in the regional system
Call for more discussion on concerns of community directly impacted by this proposed project…acknowledgement that they are part of the system, but seems they will experience disparate impacts
Question about whether population growth might affect the project proposal, noting Detroit experienced recent population growth…had to be asked, but as original system was built for a population of 1 million(ish), well…
The Zoning Mysteries are being discussed…avoiding conditional land use process, zoning variants, minor/major changes to site plan under PD, etc. Mithra, Demeter, Persephone…they have nothing on the God(dess) of the Zone…R2 to R5, do you copy? R2?
Finally! Time for public comment! Starting at 7:03…resident of Jefferson-Chalmers not happy, does not feel she was informed and says the pump station makes the ground shake and the air stink. “We are not happy campers”
Next person not pleased with land use plan for the project, especially on basis of its impact on the vehicular pattern…feeder streets have already be disrupted and feels needs of community have not been properly considered. “The community feels used and abused by this project” (7:07 in transcript)
Third person up…points out to major safety concerns and no one in neighborhood is being contacted. The signage & construction is terrible…thought that this would occur for next 4 years is disheartening.
Fourth person says study on traffic has not been shared with neighborhood (or perhaps not been done) plus calls BS on GLWA reaching out/communicating with community
8 hands up for virtual comments…5th person says the ‘A’ for Authority in GLWA means they get to do whatever they want. Asserts the community has made it clear that they are not being heard and no one has been held accountable for the harms done in the community.
6th person…the project will have negative impact on their property values.
7th person…project does not comply with current zoning/land use
8th person…wants residents of the 4 district and this resident protected and believes strongly this is not happening with this project. Project is example of spot zoning and at variance with City Master Plan…
Another person…lifelong resident of Jefferson-Chalmers & PhD Economics candidate at UofM, states GLWA economic impact study was poor to the point of sloppy
Might have broke thread…here is connection(?)
James Jackson of Chalmers-Jefferson points out that project will create additional related infrastructure costs that need to be considered
Another member of public discussion proper land use under R2 zoning and feels that conditions are not present to allow for rezoning to R5…here is link to Detroit zoning classifications
And regarding zoning…hey, this is fun!
More zoning…current pump station is likely non-conforming under current zoning…plus questions of who is responsible for handling complaints about work being done on utility projects
Following up on comment from public on vibration from pump stations…questions as to depths of current pump stations and proposed project…new project is different configuration…lot of stuff I really don’t have a feel for
CPC Commissioner Gwendolyn Lewis wants something in writing that this project is not spot zoning…which sounds pretty reasonable
So throughout the meeting/presentation, the GLWA gentleman is in full sales-mode but the African-American lady seating behind him is constantly shaking her head…No-Nope-Not that I’ve seen-Uh uh, etc. 😆😅😂
GLWA rep in full sales mode, but African-American lady behind him keeps shaking her head…No Nope Uh-uh 😅😂
Questions as to why no Detroit-based contractors involved in the project…Michigan-based, but not Detroit (Taylor)…although subcontractors will be drawn from Detroit companies
City Councilmember Latisha Johnson speaking…her focus is getting residents of Jefferson-Chalmers to stop experiencing basement backups and wants to make sure it is addressed…wants some assurances that pumping station can be improved/maintained in perpetuity
Public hearing on the proposed pump station concludes at 8:18…taking a short break, planning to resume at 8:25
Well, we have reached the 8:32 mark…wonder if they reconvened but forgot about the broadcast
Okay, we are back! Jay Juergensen of Juergensen & Associates now up talking about…the Jefferson-Chalmers Water Project…here is link to presentation
In presentation he notes that quasi-government status of GLWA (& others)
Notes floodplain and NFIP flood insurance maps not identical…says GLWA de facto uses basements of Jefferson-Chalmers as basins
States that 2021 was not a flood but an infrastructure failure
Okay, I understand he has to go fast…but this presentation is weird and need to rush is dulling the impact of the bon mots and making the appeal to we the people forced
Brings up force main, noting this was not discussed by GLWA; he also insists there are multiple possible locations. Slide below shows location of force mains
Info on force mains can be found here
Shows multiple slides of impact of losing an acre of space (amount of land lost to Jefferson-Chalmers)…kinda cuts into Campus Martius
Juergensen is picking up steam and more effective as he focuses on specifics of alternatives and structure of building
Points out how GLWA has ignored recommendations and not been working in good faith with community…they are bulling forward, already own the land…all they need is permission to build on the property. Says CPC is last line of defense to stop this project
Question time…Lewis asks about his comment that 2021 was not a flood but infrastructure failure. He points out 3 facilities failed…implies if they were working they would have handled the flow
70% of regional system stormwater flows through Jefferson-Chalmers
“Problem is stormwater, not sewage” according to Juergensen (9:10 in transcript)
Love this public comment at 9:14–it just feels like things are already a done deal. Also questions why people are locked out of master plan process, feels there is no desire for an educated citizenry
Now they move to unfinished business…first item is request for rezoning for Southwest Fight Club
Owners of gym didn’t know current structure was not zoned for business…here is building…land to be acquired all vacant
Discussion about range of community engagement regarding the proposal…here is a slide showing responses
Request passes in roll call vote…process for full approval described (goes to legal for description, then City Council, etc)
Next unfinished business supposed to be discussion of Proposed Capital Agenda…but given lateness & 2 Commissioners having left, they motion for it to appear on next agenda…info available in links from 12/5/2024 meeting
They are pushing forward valiantly…adjourn the meeting at 9:40
Agency Information
Detroit City Planning Commission
The City Planning Commission provides recommendations to the City Council on the physical, social and economic development of the City including the Five-Year Capital Agenda, Master Plan, and other proposals and ordinances for the regulation of development and land use, as required by the City Charter.