Live reporting by
Ayanna Rose Banks
A new temporary location for The Norma Herr Women’s Shelter
Hi, I'll be tweeting July 24th Health, Human services and Aging committee meeting✨for #CLEdocumenters 📷@CLEdocumenters &
10:00 PM Jul 24, 2024 CDT
@cledocumenters @signalcleveland The Health, Human Services, and Aging Committee, chaired by Council Member Yvonne Conwell, reviews and makes recommendations on legislation concerning the various county social services agencies
@cledocumenters @signalcleveland This meeting was attended by committee members Yvonne M. Conwell, chair, Martin J. Sweeney, vice chair, Dale Miller and Cheryl L. Stephens
Lou: Supports housing of single adult females. Says previous admin did not support the service. Says when quarantine happened, they got funding and when it ran out, people staying at 2227 Payne avenue got put in a building w/ terrible conditions
Ms. Lou goes on to say she is happy about the new addition. She thinks people who are coming in need should be able to keep their dignity in tact and have an humane environment.
Lovell Custard, President & CEO at Murtis Taylor Human Services System is here to explain what their funding has went to
He Thanks the board for supporting the community center capital repair and expansion project. It includes renovations to the facilities major systems and client service areas.
The project is taking place and scheduled to be completed in December of this year. the project was budgeted at 892520. The county counselor funded at 700000, requiring a reduction in scope to account for the difference. Inflation caused them to reduce even more.
The lowered their scope of renovations to the community kitchen, community center and behavioral health center.
The elevator is important in getting disabled people to the second floor, so they made sure to fund that before the other parts of the project. This caused a delay in their schedule
The short fall of funds will cause the deadlines to need to e extended."
Custard says he will need to get back to the board but right now he has December.
Trevor Macklar, from county counsel staff, Stepped up stating, they do not believe they need new legislation regarding extending the deadline, b/c the original legislation does not say the last deadline was set in stone. They believed all that is needed is the vendor to explain
Trevor stats they would have to submit an annual report to them until the fund are extended.
those who filed ARPA applications will go a full three readings.
first speaker: discussing funds for Take the Limits Off Project for 6100
Bianca Crawford, founder and executive director of motivated and empowered inc, is asking for ARBA funding to support their youth services and programs.
Chair woman asked how they will continue? She responded they have just launched their campaign for a community center
Martin Sweeney offered to add to their existing funding to make it an even 10000
Next speaker: discussing funds for building for foster care youth experiencing homelessness for 6000
Sarah Parcs Jackson, Dept HUD, Says CHMH, who is the developer, reached out for help with needed funds they were lacking for this project
Chairwoman asked, where is the location? representatives from CHMH responded between east 45 and East 42nd and Superior and Saint Claire
Chairwoman asked when is the completion date and they responded mid Sept and be getting ready to lease in Oct this year
Chairwoman asked what age range? They responded 18-24 and they will be from continue of care
Dale Miller asked what the project cost? They responded 18.8 million dollars
Item A: An agreement submitted by the office of homeless services for funds from the office of the dir of human services. The agreement will allow Emerald Development and Economic Network inc to renovate 2710 walton ave for a swing site during the construction of Norma Herr 1
Eden received ARBA funding to renovate Norma Herr and this will require the guests to be moved somewhere.
Elaine Gimmel, executive dir of Eden inc presented. This site will have 102 beds and 13 showers w/ 2 floors. 102 guests will be relocated over 3 days. the budget is 1625000. 750000 from a grant Eden has and 875000 from pending county grant
Chairwoman asked how many bathrooms? Richard Carr, dir of real estate development for Emerald, responded 3, 2 on the first floor, one in basement level.
Chairwoman asked how much progress they have? He responded 80% finished
Chairwoman asked How they are handling splitting employees? He responded the YWCA will handle that. Eden and YWCA will be splitting employees
Chairwoman asked if it's not an emergency site to stop by? Gimmel responded yes, it's not.
Dale Miller asked what will happen to this building after use? They responded the Cuyahoga county will decide
Dale asked the administration what's the source of the 875000, the admin responded these dollars are from the public assistance fund
Dale asked the admin what will happen to the building after this period? Admin responded that they are currently focused on their two current projects.
Item B: An Amendment to a master contract for the community social service program to add vendors and receive additional funds not to exceed $2923153
Natasha Pietrocola, dir of Adult and Senior services, explained that they have been awarded money and they want to amend the contract to add more vendors and extend dead lines.
Since they were waiting on various documentation from vendors and it is a master contract is effected everything else.
Chairwoman asked are we behind on any payments prior to the new grant money. Natasha responded no.
Aaron Carlson, whos from dept Contract Administration and Performance and was in charge of the documentation, Explained how they did not receive all documents until the end of June, so they do not have much time to spend the money till their state deadline in Sept
Chairwoman asked what was the main issue with getting paperwork in? Aaron answered it was mostly the certificate of insurance. They were hard for some to obtain. They also had difficulty for workers compensation certificates because they tend to expire around June.
Have questions? Think we got something wrong? Send any inquiries on the meeting or these tweets to @cledocumenters. Or email us at